Funny that women can change their minds with just an instantaneous click. Today we may like something/someone so much until we vomit blood (ok, a bit amplified here).. and tomolo we can feel totally different and repulse the thing/person like it's a sixty-legged insect..
A fren once sent me an email. In it there's two JPEGs. One of a man's behavior when buying stuffs and the other, a woman's. The man went straight to the shop, got what he wanted and ciao-ed. The woman.. well, she went to all other shops before finally hopping by the intended, and then went on to a few other shops...
Me? Let's just say that I shop like a woman *grins* ... unless:
1. it's emergency-buying
2. someone's waiting for me somewhere
3. someone's with me, looking real bored *guilty*
4. i am really hungry (live to eat/eat to live? the former, definitely!)
Women will always be women..
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