this is fast speed speaking... tots and feelings shared...

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Green Tea

Ever since I went to Bali and came back, I have become a monstrous eater. I ate and ate and ate non-stop, 24/7. Dunno why. Nowadays I get hungry pretty fast (is it psychological?) - I just need to munch/grab/bite some food regardless of the available space in my tummy. And if I deprive myself of eating, I will keep on thinking about food and end up eating more! And all these, have contributed to my 'fuller body'. Ha ha...

Add to my list of New Year Resolutions - *n. exercise more and eat less!

Oh, forget it. I am FAT! Which is why, I am now drinking Green Tea like plain water :) But there is a consequence tho', I get hungrier faster drinking *Greenie! Help!!

Ok, now back to the topic. *bored look*

I only started drinking green tea a few years back. Fell in love with it on the first sip! Ever since then, I have tried a couple other brands but I still prefer Ten Ren for it's quality and reasonable pricing.

Now I have 'diversified' and have started to drink different types of teas - Oo Long, Jasmine, *rarara. But of course, Greenie remains my fav.

It's incredible that different 'leaves' and how they are 'brewed' bring out different tastes, and they're all quite nice. Except those really bitter Chinese teas served at *kopitiams that I still dunno how to appreciate. And they're good for health too (ok, most of them are...)! You'll never know the until you've tried it yourself - need a bag? Come over my place ;)

n = number (remember Chemistry? Maths?)
Greenie = pet name for green tea :)
rarara = et cetera et cetera et cetera
kopitiams = coffee shops


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