this is fast speed speaking... tots and feelings shared...

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Telephone Calls to Large Corporations

Yesterday a dear friend forwarded me an article written by a regular columnist in *The Star. Since I was already skivving from work, I took the liberty of reading it, just so that I can reply him and tell him that I do read his emails (or junk emails) - once in a while :)

In the article, the writer was sharing her views on the 'warning' labels that we can find on everyday products we buy, to those that we never thought of buying - yet (ie. baby stroller). As I was scrolling thru the entire article, one of her points caught my attention. Telephone calls to large corporations - hmm, I can relate to this!

I used to call up the *GSC to book my movie tickets, and everytime, I would speak to their sales people, and take the opportunity to request for better seatings. However, they have since changed their system and now I have to speak to the auto-operator who has no emotions or sympathy for all the trouble that I go through to get movie tickets:

Me: (dial GSC tele-reservation number)
GSC: Thank you for calling GSC. For English press 1, Bahasa Malaysia press 2, Swahili press 3.....
Me: (press 1)
GSC: For movies today press 2. For movies on Wednesday press 3. For movies on Thursday ......
Me: (press 2)
GSC: Movies for today: 10 First Dates, press 1, 20 First Dates, press 2, 30 First Dates, press 3......... For more movies press 0.
Me: (can't find the movie I want - press 0)
GSC: The Last Samurai, press 1, The Eye press 2, Infernal Affairs press 3, The LOTR...... To go back to the previous menu, press 0.
Me: (sharks. My movie is not listed! OK, watch another movie - press 0)
GSC: Movies for today: 10 First Dates, press 1, 20 First ............
Me: (press 1)
GSC: 10 First Dates: 11am press 1, 12:30pm press 2, 1:30pm press 3...... 9:20pm press 9........
Me: (press 9)
GSC: 9:20am. Please key in the number of tickets that you want to purchase.
Me: (press 2)
GSC: Please hold while your request is being processed.

-- after 3 minutes --

GSC: I'm sorry, the tickets you required is fully-booked. Please buy the tickets from the cinema counters. To return to the main menu, press 0. To select another movie......
Me: &#^$%@$#%^Q@$ (hang up)


For the entire 10 minutes of this 'conversation', I spoke nothing. And got no results. Sigh, how I dread calling large corporations...

The Star = national newspaper
GSC = Golden Screen Cinemas (local cinema operator)
The article = Beware of warnings


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